So many details yet to come but the committee is a’roaring to go, creating an extended weekend of fun, thought-provoking ideas, and great connections between men. Continue to return here to see when we have more details plus info about when registration opens. Better yet, be watching your email inbox for those announcements!
And if you’re not yet on our mailing list, please join! Membership is free and it’s the best way to stay on top of announcements about our three types of upcoming events − (1) gatherings (2) local events in five CA cities (3) online events. Hop over to TheCMG.org/join to easily sign up for those notes!
Would you like to get involved with helping plan the next gathering? Or just perhaps take on a task to support it? Wonderful! Drop a line to us at question@TheCMG.org and someone will get back to you. Be sure to include your full name and phone.
If you’re not familiar yet with what a CMG Gathering is, click over to TheCMG.org/gather .