In order to make sure that you’re receiving everything we send out, we recommend that you declare the following two domains to be “safe senders” to your account:
In addition, if you’re in SoCal, we also recommend you do it for these two domains as well, which we use for RSVPing for events and for some of our personal outreach:
How to do this varies by what webmail company you use.
For users of the most common hosts (gmail, aol, hotmail, yahoo, etc), we’re providing below some instructions for how to easily make this work.
If you find the instructions don’t work (companies update things so instructions become outdated), please let us know so we can try to make them current.
Log in to your Gmail account.
Click on the Settings cog in the top-right corner and go to “Settings”.
Select the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab
Toward the right, choose the option to “Create a new filter”
In the “From” field, paste this whole next line: OR OR OR
Click the option “Never send to Spam” and click the “Create Filter” link
Click HOME at the top.
Choose “Junk” and then “Junk Mail Options”.
Click the “Safe Senders” tab.
Click the “Add” button, enter, and click “OK”
Repeat for all of the domains above and then the final “OK” to be done.
Go to your inbox and click on the “Spam Controls” link on the lower right side.
A “Mail and Spam Controls” box should appear.
Now click on the “Customer Sender” list link and choose the “Allow email from …” option.
Enter , then click “add” and “save.”
Repeat for all the domains shown above and you’re all set.
Login to your Hotmail
Click on the Settings icon at the top right side of the page, expand it and click on More Mail Settings
Click on Safe and blocked senders.
Click Safe Senders
Enter and repeat for all suggested ones above.
Log into your Yahoo mail inbox
Click the Settings icon (the wheel) and then “More Settings”.
Click “Filters” and then “Add New Filters”
It makes you name the filter, so set Filter Name to CMG1.
In the “From” area, set the top box to “contains” and enter in the second box.
Make sure “Choose a folder to move to” is set to “Inbox”.
Click “Save”
Repeat the last few steps for CMG2, CMG3, and CMG4 to add all of the domains.
FOR,, and
Click the ‘Actions/Settings’ gear icon, usually in the sidebar.
Click ‘Add a Rule’
Set the filter, if a message is from then move to your inbox.
Click ‘Done’ and repeat for all domains shown above.
If your company is not listed here, google “add safe sender domain __________”
where the _______ is your email company and you’ll find lots of sites that explain how to do it.
Just be sure it’s telling you how to add a domain; a lot of sites tell you how to add one email address from your inbox or contacts. That’s not what you’re trying to do.
If you use your own domain (like you’re, then you’ll have to check with your webmaster or webhost yourself to find out how to set a safe sender − unless you use Outlook for that and then it’s easy with the instructions above.