Gatherings are lovely no matter what we end up doing or not doing, but there are elements that people have come to love that we’d like to continue. That takes attendees stepping up to the plate to say, “I could do that!” even if you never have before.
If you are open to getting involved in any of these, please write to and, for the subject line, format it like this, substituting your name and task of interest:
Subject: CMG Spring 2024 Volunteer Task – John Smith – Leading Heart Circle
Here’s the list of what we’re still really hoping for so that these things can happen at the weekend:
DRAG: In a perfect storm of anti-drag karma, none of the three men who usually bring lots of drag and costume materials can be there this Spring (all three hope to be with us for Fall; just bad timing!) So we’re looking for a couple of folks who have access to fun dress up stuff, especially for the pool party where there’s usually a pageant runway (or runaway, in some cases). At the very least, if you want to participate in that, you might have to bring your own dress, one-piece swimsuit, mumu, etc.
DECOR: Making the conference center feel more like it’s ours through some kind of decor really helps set a tone. And our theme could lend itself to that. Whether it’s just some fabric or natural elements (remember John-boy’s palm fronds?) or something artistic, we’d love your participation in that.
THE “BODY SHOP”: The play space for naughty times is that much more playful when there’s some atmosphere and arrangement. Lighting, leather, posters, music…what can you bring from your dungeon…or nightstand…
FIRE CHIEF: You don’t have to dress the part (though we’d love it) but at the very least we need someone to see that the conference center fireplace gets going each night. There’s also the possibility of a big bonfire down by the tenting area, if you’re motivated to help make that happen…we’ll spring for the s’mores, if you do!
HEART CIRCLES AND PUPPY PILES: If you’ve lead these before, we’d love your expertise. Or if you’ve attended them enough to feel ready, we welcome your first step up to leading!
MORNING STRETCH: A yoga teacher would be divine but, kept simple, we’re also okay with someone saying, “I could help coordinate some simple group stretching together.”
PARKING LOT GREETERS: When you pull into camp, there’s something sweet about being welcomed and directed, instead of just hoping you do the right thing. Years ago, we had a group dressed as fairies to welcome everyone…delightful! But if your style is merely a friendly hello, a big smile, and a hug, that’s terrific, too.
BRING STUFF FROM L.A.: We need a handful of people to offer part of their backseat/trunk to bring things, especially a few chunks of our new modular stage. Seriously, there’s no variety show if we don’t get the pieces to camp. Let us know if you can coordinate part of that.
MASSAGE TABLES: We need a few for the massage room. You don’t have to DO anything with them there, but we do need about six in all.
TEA PARTY: We’re thinking of replacing the mocktail party with a tea party this time. Got some fancy-schmancy tea set you could bring? Feel like butlering up…or being a French maid serving? Open to all kinds of ideas on how to make this feel faux-swanky.
THAT OTHER THING YOU WANT TO CONTRIBUTE: We won’t know unless you tell us!