Do you have a passion, gifts, wisdom, experience or interest you’d like to share with other men?
Workshops are led by you all – the men who come to the weekend on a volunteer basis. It can be a presentation. Or a group discussion. Or an activity you want to lead. This creates variety for the event and a wonderful sense of community.
Workshops can be almost anything! Consider ideas like interests, exploring new subcultures, meditation, discussing lessons learned from a recent experience/book/class, dance, outdoor/active fun, art exploration, storytelling, fantasy, and more.
You needn’t feel that you have to have a mastery of something to create a workshop; if you have an interest enough to give something a try, no matter how basic, CMG is a great place to give it a whirl! Some of the most requested repeat workshops came from people who initially didn’t feel totally sure about leading it. With the exception of the Ropes Course (if offered), all other workshops are included in each man’s registration cost. Attendees offer workshops as a way of giving back to and supporting the community.
Although you technically can fill out the form by hand at camp (we’ll have a few extras), we strongly encourage you not to wait until then. When you do it by hand at the last minute, with all the distractions of camp, it often feels rushed and less clear. So we appreciate your coming here to create your super-legible, exquisitely-worded workshop submission instead. There are two ways to create and print that.
If you CAN open the .docx Word document via the PURPLE BUTTON BELOW. Fill it out such that it all fits on one page, in a human-readable sized font, please. If you are more comfortable in GoogleDocs or another editor, you can also copy the .docx contents there and create your single page to print there. Then, print the form and bring it to turn in at the check-in desk.
If you CAN’T open or use the .docx file, then click for the PDF version to print and fill out clearly by hand.
You’ll find out when your workshop is when we post them all, probably late on arrival night. If you have a REALLY good reason to request a timeslot (or avoidance of a timeslot), you can put that in your request, but we appreciate as many as possible who don’t do so, because it allows us to balance the offerings as best we can.
NOTE: All CMG provides is a space for your workshop to take place and, in most cases, seating. If there’s more that you need to make it successful (from paper, pencils, art supplies, other props…), you will need to bring them.
Thank you in advance for the gift of your time, energy, and heart!