Since you say you can’t open the DOCX version to format, here’s the alternative. Please copy everything below the “=====” line into an email. Answer all of the questions in the spaces between the prompts. We’ll do the work of creating a DOCX from your email.
It is very important that you make the subject line look just this way:
cmgform variety show spring gathering John Doe
(replacing John Doe with your name, of course.) Our system is designed to forward that to the correct people based on looking for “cmgform” at the beginning and “variety show” following that.
The note should be sent to . Here is the content you’ll copy into that note:
1) Full Name of each man in your act:
2) What you want your act to be introduced as, if other than your name:
(For question 3, chose closest match, paste it next to “Type of Act”, and then delete all the options)
3) Type of act:
_ singing a cappella
_ singing to recorded or live music, slow song
_ singing to recorded or live music, upbeat song
_ reading original prose
_ reading a published poem by another person_ reading prose by another person
_ reading a published poem by another person
_ reading an original poem
_ reading original prose
_ lip sync number
_ performance art piece
_ stand up comedy _ dance
_ playing instrument (specify type: ________________________)
_ other (please describe clearly below)
(For question 4, chose closest matching word and then delete the other options)
4) To help us plan the order, which word best describes your act:
5) Enter the approx. number of minutes, not to exceed 5: >
(note: You will get a warning at 4½ minutes. At 5, you will be interrupted by the host. Please rehearse your act to make sure that it fits within this time limit out of fairness.)
6) Description of act & anything we’d need to know to help you be at your most fabulous You also may include any additional info that might be used in intro (optional). Please proof-read!
7) Approximate number of CMGs attended:
8) City of current residence: __________________________________________________________
9) Where you’re originally from: ____________________________________
10) It is okay for take still photos of my act and, possibly, post it as part of CMG promotion: YES NO
11) It is okay for CMG to record my act and, possibly, post it as part of CMG promotion: YES NO