In a Heart Circle, we create an area of safety to share what we’re feeling,
from confusion or sadness to heartfelt joy and appreciation.
Note for Online Heart Circles:
It is slightly different, but still effective. There is no talisman.
Imagine you are in a closed circle with the other men in attendance.
All will be muted except the man who is speaking.
Once he has finished, the facilitator will select the next man to share
from whatever method he has set for the session.
For live and in-person Heart Circles:
We take turns speaking from the heart by passing around a talisman,
agreeing that only the person with the talisman is to speak (briefly, please! 2 or 3 minutes max).
If you want to speak next, move forward a foot or so inside the Circle.
If no one wants to speak, place the talisman in the center of the Circle.
We sit in silence until someone picks it up to begin the sharing process again.
No cross-talk is allowed. Speak only when holding the talisman.
Please share your feelings without putting anyone down or anyone’s comments or feelings.
Don’t use the Circle for attacking men who have upset you.
Instead, share how your anger feels. If you want, ask for support,
which will be given privately, outside of the Circle.
Please don’t disrespect your Heart Circle by refusing to stop talking.
Speak for 2-3 minutes and then let someone else speak.
To keep a Heart Circle safe for everyone, please review the “Guidelines for Honoring One Another.”