April 28
7:00 pm
8:30 pm
What’s a Heart Circle?
In a Heart Circle, we create a safe & supportive space to share
any feelings that we may be feeling in the moment, from confusion or sadness
to heartfelt joy and appreciation. We take turns speaking from the heart,
agreeing that only one person speaks at a time. Speaking from the heart,
listening with the heart, and honoring each other are core values at a Heart Circle.
More information can be found at https://thecmg.org/heart-circles/.
Charlie M. will be our facilitator.
This virtual heart circle will be limited to the first 15 men who RSVP.
Join the company of warm & wonderful CMG men at this virtual Heart Circle.
If you want to study up on how Zoom works, bit.ly/ZoomTuts
We’d love to see you there!